Doxacon is Friday, 11/5/21

Doxacon is Friday, 11/5/21

All right, I’m late getting this onto my blog, but Doxacon–the ultimate Christian conference for fans of fantasy, sci-fi, comics, role playing games, and more–is virtual this year, and it starts this Friday, November 5. I will be part of an author...

Finding Each Other

It’s been well over a decade now since people began to murmur about a renaissance of Catholic literature. A great deal of progress has been made in that time, from the establishment of journals and publishing houses (Dappled Things remains a trailblazer; we’re a good...

Work in Progress

I haven’t published much recently, so just in case you think I’ve stopped writing altogether, I decided it’s time for a sneak peek of the project that takes up all of my oh-so-plentiful spare time. I’ve (temporarily) set vampires and fairies...