Welcome to the Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt! If you’ve just discovered the hunt, be sure to start at Stop #1, and collect the clues through all the stops, in order, so you can enter to win one of our top 5 grand prizes! The hunt BEGINS on 3/14 at noon MST with Stop #1. Hunt through our loop using Chrome or Firefox as your browser (not Explorer). There is NO RUSH to complete the hunt—you have all weekend (until Sunday, 3/17 at midnight MST)! So take your time, reading the unique posts along the way; our hope is that you discover new authors/new books and learn new things about them.
Submit your entry for the grand prizes by collecting the CLUE on each author’s scavenger hunt post and submitting your answer in the Rafflecopter form at the final stop, back on Lisa’s site. Many authors are offering additional prizes along the way!
Hi! I’m Karen Ullo, award-winning author of three novels in three different genres (gothic horror, fairytale/ fantasy, and historical fiction). I’m also the editorial director of Chrism Press (part of Roseanna White’s company, WhiteFire Publishing), a screenwriter, and a classically trained soprano. My historical fiction novel To Crown with Liberty releases May 1.
New Orleans, 1795. In the wake of the French Revolution’s Reign of Terror, Alix de Morainville Carpentier—a former lady-in-waiting to Marie Antoinette, now married to her gardener—seeks peace and security in the Spanish colony of Louisiana. But her journey into the man-eating swamp called Attakapas reopens the wounds of her old life in France. Alix is forced to reckon with the choices that saved her life at the cost of her honor—and perhaps her soul.
In revolutionary France, the Old World is dying; the quest for liberty, equality, and fraternity has become a nightmare where the price of dissent is blood. In the wilderness of Spanish Louisiana, a new civilization is beginning to emerge—but in this budding New World, the slave trade perpetuates the systems of oppression that sparked the revolution. Caught between old and new, scarred by trauma and grief, will Alix ever find a home where she can truly be free?
To Crown with Liberty is a historical novel based on riveting legends from George Washington Cable’s Strange True Stories of Louisiana (1888).
The French Revolution intrigues me because of the dissonance between what it claimed to stand for—Liberty, Equality, Fraternity—and what really happened during the Reign of Terror. How could the pursuit of such noble goals have such horrific results?
If we look at the question through the eyes of faith, the answer is simple. The French Revolution turned reason and rights into idols. This culminated in two state-sponsored cults, the Cult of Reason in 1792-93, and the Cult of the Supreme Being in 1794. Both sought to eliminate the practice of Christianity by turning the religious allegiance of the French people toward the Nation.

The last remaining artifact of the Cult of the Supreme Being at Saint-Sulpice Church
In To Crown with Liberty, Alix experiences the events that twisted the pursuit of liberty and equality into the Terror—events that resonate today, as we too live in an age that often values human reason above the will of God. But not even the Terror could purge the Light of Christ from the world, or from Alix’s heart and life.
I hope you’re intrigued! You can enter to win a paperback copy of To Crown with Liberty by signing up for my newsletter, or comment on this post if you’re already a subscriber. (International entries will be substituted for an ebook.) The winner will be announced March 22. You can also pre-order it here.
And now for your scavenger hunt clue.
This is Stop #19.
Your clue is every Spring.
Thank you for stopping by, and happy reading! Your next stop is with Tricia Goyer here.
Please count me in! A hunting I will go!!
I subscribed and followed your imprint on Instagram. this story and more importantly your writing style is really captivating! please enter me in your drawing!
I subscribed to your newsletter and would love to win a copy of to crown with liberty!
thank you for the opportunity, subscribed!
I subscribed. This novel sounds so good. Adding it to my TBR 😀
I subscribed!!
I subscribed! Thank you!
Ooooh I’m intrigued. I have always been fascinated with the differences and similarities to the french and American revolutions
Just subscribed!
Done! Your book look so intriguing! Thanks for all you do!
Your book sounds like a great read, Thank you for the chance.
I’m subscribed 😊
Love the cover!
You are a new author to me. Can’t wait to buy your book to read
Just subscribed!
I just found out about you, and I cannot wait to read some of your books!
I’m reading my advance copy now and thoroughly enjoying it!
Subscribed, thanks for the opportunity!
Happy Saint Patrick’s Day to all 🍀
I subscribed, thank you for the opportunity!
Just subscribed!
Though I am not familiar with you, your books do sound good. Thanks
I subscribed.
Just subscribed !
I subscribed! Thanks for the opportunity to participate in your giveaway! 😀
I signed up
Subscribed! Thank you!
Love love reading about early American history!
I subscribed.
I am subscribed
I subscribed
Louisiana was a very dark place. I subscribed and look forward to upcoming posts as well.
I found you through the scavenger hunt. I enjoy historical fiction!
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I just subscribed.
I subscribed!
I subscribed! Thank you for having this giveaway!!
I signed up, Thanks!
New subscriber
I subscribed! Your books sounds so good! <3
Thank you for writing.
I subscribed. The book sounds so good!
I subscribed. Your books sounds so good!
I subscribed.
I subscribed!
I subscribed! Thanks for the opportunity.
New to me author and your book description has me intrigued. Signed up for your newsletter.
Subscribed. Thank you
I subscribed! Thanks so much!
New subscriber here! Count me in!
Sounds like an engrossing read. Thank you for the chance.
I subscribed. Have a blessed weekend.
I subscribed. Thank you for taking part in this scavenger hunt. I enjoy reading about new-to-me authors.
I subscribed! So fascinating, thank you!
Thanks for the chance!
I subscribed!
Story looks amazing! Just subscribed to your email newsletter. Thank you!
I signed up for your newsletter! The book looks awesome.
I subscribed! I can’t wait to read this novel. The cover is gorgeous!
I subscribed! This book looks very interesting.
Wow! Your book sounds amazing! Totally a new author to me! Just subscribed! Thanks for the chance!
I subscribed!
Subscribed…I heard about this book from Laura Frantz…definitely a book I want!
Subscribed, thank you!
I just subscribed! Thank you so much! 🙂
Just subscribed. I am looking forward to your book!
I subscribed. Thanks!
Subscribed & follow. Loving the hunt.
I just subscribed! Whether or not I win To Crown with Liberty, it is now on my Goodreads to-read list–I love learning about the French Revoultion and Louisiana!
I subscribed. Thank you!
I subscribed. This book sounds exciting.
Just subscribed!
Thank you so much. I subscribed.
i subscribed!
THANK YOU to all of you who took the time to participate in the scavenger hunt, and especially those who left comments and signed up for my newsletter. I look forward to getting to know you!