by Karen Ullo | Aug 28, 2023 | books
When people ask me what I write, I often joke that I’m incapable of writing the same genre twice. After all, my novels thus far include contemporary Gothic horror, fairy tale/ fantasy, and historical fiction. If you look back into my screenwriting days, you can...
by Karen Ullo | Nov 3, 2021 | Uncategorized
All right, I’m late getting this onto my blog, but Doxacon–the ultimate Christian conference for fans of fantasy, sci-fi, comics, role playing games, and more–is virtual this year, and it starts this Friday, November 5. I will be part of an author...
by Karen Ullo | Jul 27, 2021 | art, books
For several years now, I’ve been working on a historical fiction novel set during the French Revolution. The novel retells the story of Alix de Morainville, first introduced in George Washington Cable’s 1888 book Strange True Stories of Louisiana. The legend of Alix... by Karen Ullo | Jul 17, 2019 | art, books, Uncategorized
It’s been well over a decade now since people began to murmur about a renaissance of Catholic literature. A great deal of progress has been made in that time, from the establishment of journals and publishing houses (Dappled Things remains a trailblazer; we’re a good... by Karen Ullo | Feb 27, 2019 | books, Uncategorized
I haven’t published much recently, so just in case you think I’ve stopped writing altogether, I decided it’s time for a sneak peek of the project that takes up all of my oh-so-plentiful spare time. I’ve (temporarily) set vampires and fairies...
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