by Karen Ullo | Feb 23, 2018 | Uncategorized
Artistic influence is a strange, enigmatic, and terrifying realm. To probe it even superficially reveals the strands of threads that lead to words like copying and theft. I remember in high school having to learn the sources from which Shakespeare took his plays—Romeo... by Karen Ullo | Jun 16, 2017 | Uncategorized
Several months ago, Thomas Hanson asked on my post Literature, It Is a-Changing, “May I ask what you think musical study can offer to serious literary criticism? Or, maybe better put, what musical study can offer, that other studies can’t?” This isn’t exactly an... by Karen Ullo | Apr 21, 2017 | Uncategorized
“To music” really ought to be a verb. I realize the -ing form of it would look rather awful: you’d either have to make it musicking—which looks sickly—or you’d have to run the risk of musicing being pronounced like “muse icing”—which is an interesting image, but not... by Karen Ullo | Oct 14, 2016 | Uncategorized
In case you missed it, this year’s Nobel Prize for Literature was awarded to Bob Dylan. Yes, that Bob Dylan. What does it mean for the world of literature when the best it has to offer is not a poet (in the traditional sense) or a novelist or a playwright, but a rock... by Karen Ullo | Aug 14, 2015 | Uncategorized
Welcome to The Warble, my new blog where I sing about writing (and maybe some other things, too.) Technically, I suppose I will be writing about writing, but singing and writing are so inextricably tangled up in my brain, I can’t tell them apart anymore. Long years of...
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