by Karen Ullo | Dec 30, 2017 | Uncategorized
Catholic Reads released their favorite books of 2017, and my newest novel, Cinder Allia, finished in a tie with Jane Lebak’s An Arrow in Flight for the top fantasy novel of the year! Congratulations to Jane and all the other winners. And if you... by Karen Ullo | Aug 20, 2017 | Uncategorized
There’s been an awful lot of ink spilled about the rebirth, revitalization, and re-enchanting of Catholic literature in the last several years, complete with the proliferation of journals, publishing houses, and conferences. But did you know there has also been a... by Karen Ullo | Jul 26, 2017 | books, Uncategorized
Have you ever wondered what happened to good books? The kind that told good stories without worrying about whether they were “speculative” or “literary” or “mass market trade”? The kind that fearlessly followed the characters... by Karen Ullo | Jul 6, 2017 | Uncategorized
It’s here! My second novel, Cinder Allia, is now available in print on Amazon and on all major eBook platforms. Here’s what it’s about: Cinder Allia has spent eight years living under her stepmother’s brutal thumb, wrongly punished for having...
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