Can I Eat That? A Guide to Weird Lenten Foods

I live in Louisiana, where it’s actually quite difficult to consider Lent a penitential season. No meat—go eat seafood. Um, okay. But there are plenty of more obscure ways to fulfill your Lenten fast. So just in case you somehow manage to get tired of crawfish, crab,...

Jennifer the Damned Named Best Horror Book of 2019

Catholic Reads has issued its Best of 2019 list, and Jennifer the Damned is their pick for favorite horror novel of the year! This is what they have to say: Unlike other vampire novels, Jennifer the Damned treats death with the gravitas and consequences it deserves....

An Artist’s Advent

Wait. Prepare. The fulfillment is coming. Wait. Prepare. Every year, I begin teaching my church choir a new anthem for Christmas in August. To prepare for Christmas is not the work of four weeks, but more than four months. To prepare to begin preparing takes even...

Cinder Allia Awarded Seal of Approval

  Cinder Allia has received yet another honor, being awarded the Catholic Writers Guild Seal of Approval. It has previously been named the Best Fantasy Novel at Catholic Reads and a finalist in the Next Generation Indie Book Awards. If you haven’t read it,...

The Exorcist: “An Argument for God”

One afternoon in theology class, his professor riffed about a case of demonic possession that had recently occurred in the Washington area. Something about it struck a nerve. “I remember thinking, ‘Boy, if somebody would dig into this and authenticate it and show that...