Cinder Allia Coming July 6!

  My new novel, Cinder Allia, will be released on July 6! Come join the launch party on Facebook that evening from 7:00-8:30 pm Central Time. I’ll post excerpts, we’ll geek out on all things Cinderella, and there will be opportunities to win great...

Incarnating Words

Several months ago, Thomas Hanson asked on my post Literature, It Is a-Changing, “May I ask what you think musical study can offer to serious literary criticism? Or, maybe better put, what musical study can offer, that other studies can’t?” This isn’t exactly an...

News! News! News…letter

Hello Everybody out there in Blog Land, I just wanted to take a minute to let you know that I’ve finally joined the Internet Age and created an email newsletter. If you want to receive all my latest writing news, blog posts, recipes, and more, hand-curated and...


I’m preparing to attend a conference at Notre Dame in just a few weeks called Trying to Say God: Re-enchanting Catholic Literature. I’m terribly excited to finally meet face to face many of the movers and shakers of the Catholic literary world. It’s an honor and an...