Happy Second Birthday to Jennifer the Damned!

On Halloween, 2015, I shivered with excitement and sat in the rain all day at my first-ever book event, The Louisiana Book Festival, proudly displaying the fruits of six years of loving labor: hot off the press, my first published novel, Jennifer the Damned. Since...

Book Talk on Jennifer the Damned

If you couldn’t make it out to the Louisiana Book Festival this year, well, you missed some beautiful weather and a lot of fun.  But fortunately, you didn’t miss my talk about Jennifer the Damned.  Here it is!   Karen Ullo is the author of the vampire...

Louisiana Book Festival

I have been selected as a Featured Author at the Louisiana Book Festival in downtown Baton Rouge on Saturday, Oct. 29!  I will be doing a Book Talk about Jennifer the Damned from 10:45 am to 11:15 am in the Capitol Park Welcome Center Meeting Room, followed by a book...