The Spiritual Purpose of Horror Stories, Part 2

The second half of my October essay about The Spiritual Purpose of Horror Stories is now up over at Wiseblood Books. If you missed the first part, you can catch it here. Karen Ullo is the author of two novels, Jennifer the Damned and Cinder Allia. She is also the...

The Spiritual Purpose of Horror Stories, Part 1

I have a new essay up over at Wiseblood Books, The Spiritual Purpose of Horror Stories, Part 1. If you’ve ever wondered why stories like Dracula and Frankenstein took such deep root in our cultural imagination, go check it out. Karen Ullo is the author of two...

Horror: The Genre of the Sacred – A Sneak Preview

I’m gearing up to be one of the presenters at the Catholic Writers Guild Online Conference, February 17-19, 2017. It’s three jam-packed days of writing wisdom and fellowship, and it will only cost you 40 bucks! I’ll be one of the many fonts of writing knowledge from...

Ghosts for Christmas Present

It’s not exactly news that many, if not most, of the traditions we associate with Christmas have absolutely nothing to do with the Birth of Christ. Trees. Stockings. Cards. Eggnog. Fruit cake. Reindeer. An argument can be made for Santa, or at least St. Nicholas,...

Jennifer the Damned Now on Kindle

Just in time for Halloween and the first anniversary of the print edition, Jennifer the Damned is now available on Kindle for only $3.99.  All the grim horror and dry wit of the original wrapped up into a creepy but value-priced digital package.  You’re...