The Indie Author Project–I Won!!!

The Indie Author Project–I Won!!!

  I could not be more honored to announce that Cinder Allia, the little fairy tale that could, has been named the winner of the Indie Author Project for the state of Louisiana. The Indie Author Project is sponsored and judged by librarians in 15 states and 2...
Saints for History’s Darkest Times

Saints for History’s Darkest Times

The darkest times of history often bring forth the greatest saints. In the course of writing To Crown with Liberty, I noticed entirely too many similarities between our own era and the years leading up to the French Revolution. I wrote a scene about mob violence, and...
To Crown with Liberty Coming in May!

To Crown with Liberty Coming in May!

Those of you who’ve been following me for a while know that I’ve been working on a novel set in both Revolutionary France and Spanish Colonial Louisiana for…way too long now. But I can finally tell you when you can read it–it will release in in...