Karen Ullo
Author & Editor

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Against Productivity
What if, instead of asking each other, How many words did you write this week?, writers asked each other questions like, What beauty did you create? What love did you show? What empathy did you practice?
Happy Second Birthday to Jennifer the Damned!
On Halloween, 2015, I shivered with excitement and sat in the rain all day at my first-ever book event, The Louisiana Book Festival, proudly displaying the fruits of six years of loving labor: hot off the press, my first published novel, Jennifer the Damned. Since...
The Spiritual Purpose of Horror Stories, Part 2
The second half of my October essay about The Spiritual Purpose of Horror Stories is now up over at Wiseblood Books. If you missed the first part, you can catch it here. Karen Ullo is the author of two novels, Jennifer the Damned and Cinder Allia. She is also the...