Karen Ullo
Author & Editor

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The Indomitable Nuns of the French Revolution
If it’s true, as the philosophers say, that eternity is the experience of all time at once, then surely writing about history is one way to practice for heaven. I’ve seemingly lived a good chunk of my recent life in the eighteenth century, and I can now expound upon...
Finding Each Other
It’s been well over a decade now since people began to murmur about a renaissance of Catholic literature. A great deal of progress has been made in that time, from the establishment of journals and publishing houses (Dappled Things remains a trailblazer; we’re a good...
40% off for my 40th Birthday!
Update: This offer has ended, but the regular price is only $3.99. Still a bargain! It's my 40th birthday, so I'm offering 40% off the Kindle edition of Cinder Allia, one week only. Go buy yourself a present! Cinder Allia has spent eight years living under her...