Karen Ullo

Author & Editor

First Place, 2024 Catholic Reads Reader’s Choice Awards!

Winner of the 2023 Louisiana Author Project!

Chosen as one of Catholic Reads’ Best of 2019!

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Of Chewing Gum and Rejection

Every writer knows that rejection is part of the game.  Gone With the Wind was rejected 38 times, Harry Potter 12.  The Tale of Peter Rabbit got so many that Beatrix Potter self published it, and so on.  These old fables of failure that led to success are the warm...

My TV Theme Song Debut

Since I call this blog "The Warble," where I claim to sing about writing, I suppose it is only fair to let you hear me sing.  I was recently asked to record the theme song for what will be a 12-episode series called "Merciful Like The Father," produced by Catholic...

The Little Minister

           Everyone should make it a point, once in a while, to wander through a good used book shop and select a couple of titles he has never heard of before.  I recently took just such a stroll, and I have found myself reading the way I used to when I was a kid:...