Karen Ullo

Author & Editor

First Place, 2024 Catholic Reads Reader’s Choice Awards!

Winner of the 2023 Louisiana Author Project!

Chosen as one of Catholic Reads’ Best of 2019!

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Jennifer the Damned Reviewed in St. Austin Review

Did you know there was a papal document addressing the desecration of corpses believed to be vampiric?  Me, neither.  But Eleanor Nicholson, vampire aficionado and editor of the Ignatius Critical Edition of Dracula, will fill you in in her review of Jennifer the...

Hold That Thought

A few days ago, I triumphantly announced the arrival of Jennifer the Damned on Kindle.  Well… hold that thought.  There was a glitch in the file, so the Kindle edition had to been taken down while it gets fixed.  You can still get it in paperback, and the Kindle...

Jennifer the Damned Now on Kindle

If you’ve been waiting to read my “Damned Good”* debut novel, you can now purchase it on Kindle for just $3.99.   “Vampires and convents and nuns, oh my!”* Happy reading! *Quotes from Amazon reviewers.