Karen Ullo
Author & Editor

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I Will Keep Singing
July 18, 2016 The first indication I had yesterday that all was not well here in Baton Rouge came from my pianist at church. She walked in for our usual pre-Mass warm up and reported that she had seen at least a dozen police cars responding to something on Airline...
When Great… Just Ain’t
I’ve never been the kind of person who feels obligated to respect a book (or other work of literature) I don’t like, no matter how vaunted its reputation. I have more than a few quarrels with Shakespeare, starting with the fact that Romeo and Juliet are both complete...
Reading Backwards
“Now ordinary people are born forwards in Time, if you understand what I mean, and nearly everything in the world goes forward too…. But I unfortunately was born at the wrong end of Time, and I have to live backwards from in front, while surrounded by a lot of people...